35th Annual Indigenous
Minor Hockey Tournament

March 28-30, 2025

Winnipeg, Manitoba
Scotiabank Hockey For All Centre

Event Connect Registration

Import Player Form

Daily Admission Rates

  • REGULAR ADMISSION (18-64) $15.00
  • YOUTH (13-17 w/student card) $10.00
  • ELDERS/SENIORS (over 65) $5.00
  • CHILDREN (7 & up) $5.00
  • CHILDREN (6 & under) FREE

For more information, please email hockey@micec.com.

MICEC is a non-for profit, charitable educational organization that promotes awareness and understanding of Indigenous cultures. We achieve this through community events, the People's Library, youth programming and educational activities.

Each Spring our minor hockey tournament attracts over 5,000 players and supporters from communities all across Manitoba to participate in the game that identifies us to the world. This tournament allows youth to test their skills and make new friends in a comfortable atmosphere of comradery and healthy competition.

In addition to the great hockey, our tournament features entertainment for the whole family. We have face painters, clowns, a local square dance troupe and great prizes to be won.

2024 Tournament Winners


  • Champions - Minegoziibe Warriors
  • 1st Runner Up - Dauphin Eagles
  • 2nd Runner Up - Norway House
  • 3rd Runner Up - Pineview Saints
  • Most Valuable Player - Parker Marquis, Minegoziibe Warriors
  • Goalie - Peter McLeod, Minegoziibe Warriors
  • Top Coach - Skyler Tait Reaume, Norway House
  • Dennis Daniels Spirit Award - Luna Guimond, Sagkeeng Hawks
  • Cindy Lavallee Memorial Award - Ava Trout, Cross Lake Islanders
  • George Boyd Memorial Award - Ashton Richard, Minegoziibe Warriors


  • Champions - Cross Lake Islanders
  • 1st Runner Up - Fisher River Hawks
  • 2nd Runner Up - Norway House North Stars
  • Most Valuable Player - Justin Hunter Houle, Cross Lake Islanders
  • Goalie - Reid Blacksmith, Cross Lake Islanders
  • Top Coach - Darcy Garrioch, Cross Lake Islanders
  • Top Scorer - Justin Hunter Houle, Cross Lake Islanders
  • Best Defense - Will Robinson, Cross Lake Islanders
  • Dennis Daniels Spirit Award - Kelvin Tatty, Kivalliq
  • Cindy Lavallee Memorial Award - Preston Monias, Norway House North Stars
  • George Boyd Memorial Award - Vaughn Bruyere, Sagkeeng Hawks


  • Champions - Sagkeeng Hawks Black
  • 1st Runner Up - Fisher River Hawks
  • 2nd Runner Up - Kivalliq
  • Most Valuable Player - Owen Webb, Fisher River
  • Goalie - Vaughn Bruyere, Sagkeeng
  • Top Coach - Nate Nepinak, Sagkeeng
  • Top Scorer - Austyn Mckay, Fisher River
  • Best Defense - Owen Webb, Fisher River
  • Dennis Daniels Spirit Award - Noah Fontaine, Pineview
  • Cindy Lavallee Memorial Award - Hannah Siksik, Kivalliq
  • George Boyd Memorial Award - Titan Murdock-Kirkness, Fisher River


  • Champions - Norway House North Stars
  • 1st Runner Up - Peguis Hawks Red
  • 2nd Runner Up - Sagkeeng Hawks
  • Most Valuable Player - Chace Flett-Braun, Norway House North Stars
  • Goalie - Charles Mowatt, Norway House North Stars
  • Top Coach - Wendel Chubb, Norway House North Stars
  • Top Scorer - Ron Murdock, Peguis Hawks Red
  • Best Defense - Chace Flett-Braun, Norway House North Stars
  • Dennis Daniels Spirit Award - Quinn Daniels, Peguis Hawks Red
  • Cindy Lavallee Memorial Award - Rick Fontaine, Sagkeeng Hawks
  • George Boyd Memorial Award - Phoebe Crain, OCN Storm


  • Champions - Dauphin Clippers
  • 1st Runner Up - Peguis Hawks White
  • 2nd Runner Up - Sagkeeng PVS Wild
  • Most Valuable Player - Owen Chubka, Dauphin Clippers
  • Goalie - Owen Chubka, Dauphin Clippers
  • Top Coach - Darby Stevenson, Peguis Hawks
  • Top Scorer - Ian Bours, Dauphin Clippers
  • Best Defense - Cody Zurba, Dauphin Clippers
  • Dennis Daniels Spirit Award - Cash Clarkson, Dauphin Clippers
  • Cindy Lavallee Memorial Award - Kristin Murdock, Peguis Hawks White
  • George Boyd Memorial Award - Brody Muswagon, Cross Lake Islanders


  • Champions - Peguis Hawks
  • 1st Runner Up - Cross Lake Islanders
  • 2nd Runner Up - Norway House North Stars
  • Most Valuable Player - Seanna Price, Peguis Hawks
  • Goalie - Shanelle Thompson, Peguis Hawks
  • Top Coach - Dawn Bear, Peguis Hawks
  • Top Scorer - Brailyn Neepinak, Cross Lake Islanders
  • Best Defense - Jayden Favel, Peguis Hawks
  • Dennis Daniels Spirit Award - Denaina Ross, Cross Lake Islanders
  • Cindy Lavallee Memorial Award - Gail Mckay, Cross Lake Islanders
  • George Boyd Memorial Award - Seanna Price, Peguis Hawks

Registration and Rules

For the 35th Annual MICEC Indigenous Minor Hockey Tournament, we are powering our tournament using EventConnect, the leading tournament management system.

One of the many valuable features we like that distinguishes this platform from a housing provider, is the ease of access to the best hotel options for travelling teams. Our tournament hotels ensure all participants are receiving the best group rates, amenities, cancelation protections and customer service.

In the spirit of creating amazing experiences, we ask that all hotel activity is done through our network. In the coming weeks, you will be able to book your rooms rooms through our partner. Please check to book your room.

  • *NEW* Registration fee is $900 for U7 and U9; and $1,000 for U11, U13, U15 and U18.
  • *NEW* Registration and payment deadline is February 10, 2025
  • Please read the Official Tournament Rules & Regulations and the Registration and FAQ sections below for more information


Event Connect Registration Site


U7 | U9 | U11 | U13 | U15 | U18
*Female divisions will be formed based on number of registered teams


Call: 204-942-0228 | Email: hockey@micec.com | Fax: 204-947-6564
In Person or by Mail:
Manitoba Indigenous Cultural Education Centre Inc.
119 Sutherland Ave
Winnipeg, Manitoba R2W 3C9

Media Sponsor

Platinum Sponsor

Gold Sponsor

Silver Sponsor


Bronze Sponsor

Click on the link below for a copy of the official tournament Rules & Regulations. You can also request a copy by email, fax or in person.

MICEC 35th Annual Minor Hockey Tournament Rules & Regulations

Q: How do I register my team?
A: Visit the Event Connect Registration Site. If you are having difficulty, please contact us.

Q: How much is the registration fee and when is it due?
A: The registration fee is $900 for U7 and U9; and $1000 for U11, U13, U15 and U18; and is due by February 10, 2025.

Q: When are the final rosters due?
A: Teams must submit their official Hockey Manitoba roster by February 10, 2025.

Q: Which teams are eligible to enter the tournament?
A: All teams must be registered with Hockey Manitoba, or their respective provincial hockey associations, for the 2024-2025 season.

Q: Can we split up our roster to form two teams?
A: Yes, rosters may be split to form two separate teams.

Q: Do the teams have to be from First Nation communities?
A: Not necessarily, but the team must be 100% indigenous. Players must have a birth certificate, treaty or Metis card, medical card and any other necessary documents showing proof of age and ancestry during the entire tournament.

Q: What about non-Indigenous players?
A: Non-Indigenous players are not allowed to play in the tournament. *New for 2025*

Q: My child isn't registered, can he still play?
A: All players must be registered with Hockey Manitoba for the 2024-2025 season. Contact Hockey Manitoba for more information on the registration process.

Q: My daughter's team is registered in the tournament, and another team wants her to play for them. Can she play for both teams?
A: No, players are only permitted to play for one team.

Q: We would like to pickup a player for our U9 team but he is registered as a U11. Can he play on our team?
A: No, players must play within the division in which they are registered.

Q: How many import players are we allowed?
A: All teams are allowed to import up to three players. All imports must be of Indigenous ancestry and must be registered with Hockey Manitoba. Players not registered with Hockey Manitoba are not eligible to play.

Q: Does an import player need a release form from their regular season team?
A: No. Unless their regular season team is also registered in the MICEC tournament, then they would need be to released by their coach to play on a different team.

Q: What is the deadline for adding players to our roster?
A: Teams must submit the names of their import players to us by February 28, 2025.

Q: How do you verify eligibility during the tournament?
A: All players must check-in with us prior to playing their first game. All U18 and U15 must have ID to prove their eligibility. Their name will be verified on our tournament roster and they will be issued an official tournament wristband. These wristbands must be worn for the entire tournament. Prior to the start of each game, an official will verify that each player is wearing his or her wristband. Players must be wearing an official tournament wristband in order to participate in the tournament, no exceptions.

If there are any issues or concerns, we ask that they be brought to the attention of the Tournament Committee at the earliest opportunity. We will do our best to resolve any issues or complaints but please be aware that all decisions made by the Tournament Committee are binding and final.

Schedules and Events

Special Activities & Events

  • Saturday March 29, 2025


  • Sunday March 30, 2025



For the 35th Annual MICEC Indigenous Minor Hockey Tournament, we are powering our tournament using EventConnect, the leading tournament management system.

One of the many valuable features we like that distinguishes this platform from a housing provider, is the ease of access to the best hotel options for travelling teams. Our tournament hotels ensure all participants are receiving the best group rates, amenities, cancelation protections and customer service.

In the spirit of creating amazing experiences, we ask that all hotel activity is done through our network. You can find great value on your rooms here: Click here to book hotels. The EventConnect support team is available to you, if the need arises, through online chat, email (teamsupport@eventconnect.io) and phone (1-888-723-2064). Enjoy your tournament!

If you are interested in becoming one of our guest hotels for 2025, please contact us!

Venue and Local Area

3969 Portage Avenue, Winnipeg, MB

Advertising and Sponsorship

There are many ways to support the MICEC 35th Annual Indigenous Minor Hockey Tournament! You can:

  • Advertise in our program!
  • Become an Official Sponsor!
  • Donate to our Silent Auction!
  • Volunteer!

Contact us today!

Sponsorship Opportunities

Program Advertising Rates

Volunteer Opportunities

Interested in becoming a volunteer for the Hockey Tournament?

Contact hockey@micec.com today!

Unite Interactive