MICEC Monster Bingo - May 17, 2025 **NEW INCREASED JACKPOT = $130,000 *
Tickets are now available!
MICEC is proud to announce our next Monster Bingo on May 17, 2025 at Assiniboia Downs!
Come by our office at 119 Sutherland Avenue, Winnipeg to buy your tickets! Our staff are happy to answer any questions through email at bingo@micec.com, or give us a call at 204-942-0228. We accept cash, credit, debit, and now E-Transfer.
License # LGCA 4636-BI-46302; LGCA 4636-BO-46801; LGCA 4636-RF-46802
All proceeds to the MICEC Programs and Services, MICEC Expansion and Building Maintenance.
Available Ticket Sellers
Contact MICEC or Assiniboia Downs directly, or any of our community sellers to buy tickets:
• Winnipeg: Trevor 204-783-2494 or 204-451-1325
• Winnipeg: Alanna 204-232-3956
• Winnipeg: Meranda 204-990-6309
• Winnipeg: Helen 431-335-8350
• Thompson: Rose 204-679-4250
• Hodgson: Reta 204-308-0165
• Brokenhead: Carl Smith 204-485-5616
• Lake St. Martin: Calinda 431-294-8663
• Brandon and Ebb & Flow: Joanne 204-870-0657
Doors Open 10:00 a.m.
Early Birds 1:00 p.m.
Regular Bingo starts 2:00 p.m.
1000 Advance Tickets: $125 EACH (9 TV REGULAR)
400 Door Tickets: $150 EACH (9 TV MINI)
Extra Cards: $15 (3 TV 10 PAGE)
Extra Cards: $25 (6 TV 10 PAGE)
Early Birds: $20 (6 TV 5 PAGE)
Extra 3 TV for Peach Game: $5 EACH
Extra 3 TV for Yellow Game: $10 EACH
Specials: $5 EACH
10 - $250 Door Prizes!!
First 48 numbers for the Bonanza will be pre-called before Early Birds
Early Birds - 2 Lines Anyway (5 Games @ $600.00) $3,000
- One Line the Hard Way (No Free Space) $1,000
- Two Lines the Hard Way (No Free Space) $2,500
- 2 Corner Postage Stamps $1,000
- 4 Corner Postage Stamps $2,500
Special - TRIANGLE - Unshaded Area $1,500 / Shaded $6,000
- Six Pack (Anywhere) $1,000
- Block of Nine $2,500
- Outside Line $1,000
- Letter L (Anyway) $2,500
PEACH (Extra Jackpot Strips - $5 ea.)
- Wee House $1,000
- Empty House $2,000
- Full House $10,000
Intermission - 15 Minutes
Special - LUCKY 7 - $7,500
- Letter X $1,000
- Wee House and Four Corners (Sputnik) $2,500
- "B" Line or "O" Line $1,000
- Letter "M" the Right Way $2,500
- One Diagonal Line $1,000
- Letter X $2,500
Special - BONANZA - Full House $7,500
Special - PICK 7 - $7,500
- One Line & 4 Corners $1,000
- Roving Kite $2,500
YELLOW (Ex. Jackpot Strips - $10 ea.)
- Wee House $2,000
- Empty House $4,000
Full House $50,000 ***NEW INCREASED JACKPOT!***