Morris Shannacappo on Anishinaabe Life and Language
MICEC Online is a series of virtual educational presentations and discussions on themes of traditional parenting, food, medicine, crafting, language, storytelling, reconciliation and more.
The Manitoba Indigenous Cultural Education Centre is a not-for-profit charitable organization, and a member of the First Nations Confederacy of Cultural Education Centres. MICEC supports Indigenous language knowledge, traditional and contemporary cultural skills, and cross-cultural awareness.
Morris Swan Shannacappo is a well-known cultural and political leader who has served our community for many years. Morris was first elected to council at his home community of Rolling River First Nation when he was 25 years old. He served as Chief of his home community for more than 10 years and Grand Chief of the Southern Chiefs' Organization for two terms. He now serves as the President of the First Nations Confederacy of Cultural Education Centres and as a member of the Manitoba Indigenous Cultural Education Centre's Board of Directors.
Thank you to the NIB Trust Fund for supporting MICEC Online.